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informe marketing influencers 2017

Influencers Marketing Report at 2017

What is this year’s influencers Marketing? Will companies and brands count with the help of these opinion leaders? From Launchmetrics They give us a third edition of their report “The State of Influencer Marketing 2017”, which we will depart and highlight the most important conclusions.

Today still poses a challenge for companies to identify influencers and measure the real impact of their campaigns, know the ROI of their campaigns. But more and more brands and agencies have been able to align their business strategy with Influencers ‘ Marketing strategy. The report tells us that in 2016, 84% of respondents showed intent to implement this strategy, and in 2017 it is confirmed that 62% of these brands have already implemented it.

On the side of the marks

The problem that marks had two or three years ago when it came to understanding and identifying the key influencers, today has almost disappeared. The aforementioned data show that the brands have evolved in this practice and have been able to develop strategies with influencers of very high quality.

On the other hand we would have to analyze what objectives are posed by the brands in their strategy with influencers and if they have achieved them. Among the brands ‘ objectives are: generate notoriety and increase brand value, boost sales and increase customer loyalty.

At What point do you decide to collaborate with influencers?

Companies confirm that they do it most of the time for product launches and for their collaboration in events. They do It less for corporate ads and content promotion. “Although the product launches strategy is not the same in all industries, influencers ‘ marketing is becoming one of the most relevant tactics FOR B2C companies that want to make their products known in an increasingly Competitive. Each release is crucial and for this reason influencers are key, because they are able to amplify the message and reach any audience “

What tactics do brands use to approach influencers?

We find a wide variety of ways to connect with the influencers to ask for their collaboration. They are more and more aware that they have to use various methods, actions and channels to reach their audience. They Say that the best tactics are: invitations to events or networking (18%), shipments of product samples or gifts (16%) and sending emails (15%)

Influencers Marketing Report 2017

What channels do you prefer to develop Influencers Marketing campaigns?

The visual component wins the battle: Instagram and Facebook are the favorites. “Instagram has surpassed the 500 million users and introduced Stories, a new video functionality that has ended up eating the terrain of Snapchat almost completely” on the other hand, Facebook, grows at a rate of 16% annually, and has approximately 179 Millions of users. Of these social networks so visual have been able to take advantage of the sectors of fashion, lifestyle, and in general, B2C companies. It allows them to connect emotionally with users of the digital environment, especially reach the desired “millenials”

What percentage of the Marketing budget is intended to carry out actions with influencers?

Influencers Marketing Report 2017

Almost half of the respondents said they devote less than 10% of the total budget to developing this type of collaboration. Only 1% destines more than 70% of its budget. Luckily for the influencers, more than half of the companies claim that this budget will be increased, and 33% say they will keep it.

How to measure the effectiveness of the campaigns with Influencers?

The majority measures it with the following parameters: engagement, quantity/quality of the audience reached and the increase in the traffic to the Web. They follow the impact on sales and the number of mentions on the blog and social networks. We note that these three main metrics are related to the generation of notoriety. Also, the brands are looking for Solid KPIs that can measure the effectiveness of the campaigns, so it highlights the need for professionals capable of demonstrating the ROI of their influence marketing.

On the Side of the Influencers

  • The influencers are evolving and each time they come more proposals from the companies. They have begun to professionalize their work and their role.
  • It has also evolved the way they monetize their campaigns. 42% of experts say that influencers are mainly seeking monetary compensation for their collaboration with brands. In 2015, on the contrary, what motivated them most was to grow their audience and bring quality content to their followers.
  • They are able to do more sophisticated campaigns after years of experience. Now they’re content experts.
  • Brands need to understand that influencers have their own online personality and each one connects in a way with their community. In addition, each one publishes a different type of content.
  • Each one prefers a method for them to get in touch: Some accept phone calls, others email, others have their agents, others prefer to start with collaborations in events before promoting content or product, etc.

In conclusion, it is expected that in this year the Marketing of Influencers continues to evolve and become a practice established among the brands. In such a competitive market, brands will bet on influencers to grow their brand notoriety and capture the attention of their customers. This type of organic action will be more effective than payment, and the perfect time to have these opinion leaders will be during the launch of a new product. Cheer up and count on the Influencers to launch your new campaign! We help you thanks for reading us!

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